Monday, January 25, 2010

Wedding Dream #1

I am highly creative...and one thing I can create like a champ is stress. And my vivid imagination pairs up with the backlog of stress to create some pretty entertaining dreams - and my first wedding dream was a doozy!
So the first dream was 3 weeks into my engagement, where I was feeling a little stressed due to the fact that most of my wedding magazines had to-dos for months 16 to 12 before the wedding, and I wasn't ever going to have a month 16 to 12 considering our engagement turned out to give us roughly 9 total months of planning.
I started out arriving at a rustic lodge in a small out of the way town...apparently my subconscious' choice of venue. I didn't have a dress yet, so I stopped at a small shop and picked one up, uncertain if it would even fit. It fit fairly well to my amazement. I was walking through a bathroom and the back of that well-fitting dress somehow ended up in a toilet...clogged with the more solid of human wastes. It was all over the train of my dress. I went outside and saw all sorts of guests and walked around in my dirty dress until I realized I wasn't close to ready and shouldn't be seen by my guests yet. I headed back inside and realized that my hair had not grown any AND I hadn't yet told my hairdresser about the wedding...I was at a loss as to what I would do with my hair. I also attempted to put on two different kinds of make-up and both kinds turned into a cracking dark masks on my face. I tried to go down to the front desk to get an iron since my slightly soiled dress also happened to be wrinkled. She was rude and although she had one, I somehow was not asking in whatever manner would cause her to hand it over. Then I was standing at the door waiting to walk down the aisle...I just had to walk out, turn a corner and go down the aisle...but I remembered I hadn't yet talked to a florist. An old man handed me flowers out of a vase and as I looked down at my dress that had somehow turned black, I realized I hadn't picked I had to wear work shoes (and go figure, my logical mind thought "at least I can wear these again"). I walked out the door, met up with my dad and looked down to realize I was wearing a bulky rain coat and had to tear it off mid-aisle. All said and done though, my last thought before waking was that I didn't care...I was going to see Jake in just a moment and be married...

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