Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weighty Issues

When it comes to losing weight I a) hate men, and b) think there is infallible proof that god is a jokester. Between the mister and I, not to mention our families and wedding party, there is a weightloss goal equivalent to a medium sized T-rex. In fact, I have renamed my maid of honor, my "nazi" of honor due to her postal dedication to jazzercise attendance (thank god for her husband's spoiling her with a trip to Europe for a break). We sweat for hours a week, and spend our non-active times writhing in muscular pain while denying ourselves treats, sugar, normal portions, and alcohol (sometimes). My mom and step-mom and future mother-in-law all subscribe to and follow different programs that cost money, require cooking of strange soups and other such concoction, and risk some less than comfortable side effects. We are all feeling deprived and a little grumpy and not seeing results. (Yet, right? We always say YET, because this HAS to pay off at some point!)

Meanwhile, the men are trying too. My brother does a work out and cuts down to a reasonable diet...and loses 10 pounds before we know it. My intended? Last week he worked out...ONCE. We had Chinese food - twice. I had baked lemon bars and made a tiramisu (I know, this doesn't help my cause either) which he had for breakfast AND dessert. After a week, he weighed himself...he lost SIX pounds.

This is SO unfair.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me laugh :-) I always hear the story about how my mom and dad went on a diet together and how he kept loosing weight while she kept GAINING weight... only to find out later that she was pregnant.

    Just remember, we might never be as skinny as those skinny bitches, but you know our bodies have more fun!

    Enjoy your journey -- I enjoy reading it :-)
